Friday, July 25, 2014





Wednesday, July 4, 2012



Today, at 6pm, is my ONE YEAR anniversary of quitting smoking!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Honestly, the year has FLOWN by.  I can breathe so much better.  I have added years to my life!!  I feel very proud of myself!   YOU can do it, just have to start.........pick a "quit day" and DO IT!  I'll be here encouraging you every step of the way....I promise I will be.  Let me know who you are and  how to get in touch with you.

Good Luck,


Have a SAFE but FUN 4th!!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Stubborn As A Mule

The Mule represents the stubborn side of me......when I finally made up my mind to quit smoking I was like a stubborn ol' mule.  I had to make up my mind to do it and I did it!

Well, it's been awhile since I have posted my progress.  As of tonight at 6pm, it has been 9 months, 30 days, and 4 hours since my last cigarette~!!   WOW! time flies! 

And still, at times I think I would really like to just relax with a Diet Dr Pepper and a cigarette, but I choose not to do that.  It IS a choice.  I am in control.  I am strong.  I like that cigarettes no longer rule my life!

It is not easy to give up a "crutch", but you can!

You CAN quit smoking...or dipping...or chewing...if you make up your mind to do it!!

Holler if you need or want help.  I will encourage you as best I can.

God's Speed To You! 


Monday, February 20, 2012


Yep, you read that right...I'm overwhelmed right now.

Some of the yellow sticky notes in this picture represent a few things that I am dealing with these days.

1.  Trying to lose 38 pounds (at least) so that I can add that to my NOT SMOKING for a more healthly lifestyle.  I'm still aiming to live another 30 years!! I'm going to Weight Watchers, but having trouble getting and staying motivated!

2. I do not like the idea of turning 65 years old in a little over 2 months from now.  I'm having a difficult time with that!

3.  I am working on  23 hours of CEU's for my radiology license.

4.  I have to get our taxes information ready for CPA.

5.  Trying to figure out how I can organize my office and my closet in ways that I can still keep everying I want, but not be so cluttered...I need a professional to help me!

6.  Working on paying off what few bills I have.

7.  Trying to think of creative and fun ways to make a few bucks!

8.  Trying to be a better housewife!  I've never been a very good housekeeper..but, I'm trying to be better.  Also, trying to be a more creative cook using a more healthly approach. 

ok, I guess that's all for now. 

HOWEVER........even with all my everyday stress of LIFE, I still have not smoked a cigarette in

7 months and 16 days!!!

yea for me!!!

So, until next time.........and hopefully I will be able to report that in addition to more SMOKELESS days, I will have lost some extra poundage!

Have a BLESSED day!!


Sunday, January 29, 2012

HI y'all, how ya' doin'?  Lately, I've been down in the dumps 'cause I'm soon approaching the ripe ol' age of 65!!!!!!!!!!  oh my gosh!!!!!!!!!!  well, I guess I can be thankful that I'm still alive!!!!!!!!

Please consider quitting smoking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  It will help  you to live longer and look better while you do!   Less wrinkles!!

We used to think it was "cool" to be holding a cigarette....remember?

WELL, smoking turns into this.....................
and I don't want that.  I am celebrating 6 months and 25 days of not smoking.  Can't say that I don't want one, but I choose not to light up...I am coughing enough as it is!

If you are trying to know who you are.............keep up the CAN do it!!!

Until later,

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Just checkin' in

Sorry, this banner has nothing to do with my message today.  I saw it and liked it and wanted to share it.  I will always miss my cowgirl life and remember my cowgirl life with deep gratitude and heartfelt love.

It's already Jan. 8, 2012.  Where does the time go?  The days just seem to speed by the older I become.  I'm not sure I am comfortable with that process, but I don't have a choice!  I do have a choice, however, with the actions I take, and how I want to live the rest of my life.  I do chose LIFE, and I do choose NOT SMOKING.  I can't lie to you, though.  I still want a cigarette at some point of most days....I just choose not to smoke.  The urge to rush to the store to buy a pack...what are they now...six or seven $$  quickly passes and I'm good to go another 24 hours.  It has now been SIX MONTHS and FOUR DAYS since I have had a cigarette!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am SOOOOOOO proud of myself!!!

I hope you have a great week! 

Until next time, think about becoming smoke-free!!!


Saturday, December 31, 2011

Time To Party, but be safe!


we will connect next year!!


Saturday, December 24, 2011

 I am an old soul, and sometimes daydream about being born one hundred years ago.  Besides loving the old way of life, back then I think tobacco was not as toxic as it is now.  There are so many horrible, toxic chemicals in just one cigarette.  My lungs are so damaged from smoking for so many years, that any type of smoke or fumes is very irritating and makes me cough.  I hate it!!  But, it's my own fault.  I just want to try my best to let my lungs heal so that I can enjoy seeing my little granddaughters grow up into young women........that means I want to live at least another 40 years!!

I hope each of you has a very happy and joyful and meaningful Christmas with those you love.  Any smokers, please consider quitting.  Set a quit date.  You can do it!


Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Reason for the Season

I am a Christian, therefore, I believe that Christ died on the cross for my sins.  I rejoice at Christmas-time because Christmas is ALL about the birth of Christ

I am thankful that I am a non-smoker and am alive to celebrate Christmas.

Please think about your life and how you want to live the rest of your life. 

Today, we are having our Christmas with my kids and our grandchildren.  I could not be more proud than to be a non-smoker on this day.  And, so thankful that I have kicked my very long habit of smoking.  My sons, daughter-in-law, grandchildren, and dear friends are proud of me, too.  I think my husband is proud of me, too. 

I could not have done it without God.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Busy time of year...YEAH!!

This time of year can lend itself to STRESS, which can cause more dependency on smoking, which makes one spend more money when that money would be better spent on a gift for someone you love and care about....just sayin'.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I'm Not Naggin'

I'm really not nagging, well, I'm trying my best not to nag, because I know it's a waste of my precious breath (since I have the dreaded EMPHYSEMA), but I do want y'all to just think a minute...think about the nasty, expensive habit you are practicing.  Do  you know that I added up what I had spent on cigarettes from Jan. 1, 2011 until July 1, 2011 (I quit smoking on July 4th), and the total was $1806.22!!!!!!!!!  My gosh, that is alot of money!!  We need a new TV right now and that would buy several small ones!  That would also buy alot of groceries, or a contribution to my graddaughters' college fund, or pay for necessary medications, and on and on and on....!  
So, that's just something to THINK about. 
A New Year is not far away.  Think about a QUIT DATE, not nagging, just asking you to THINK about it.

Have a gud 'un.


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How could I have forgotten?

I just realized that I have not shared on this blog that I was diagnosed with COPD/Emphysema on August 26, 2011.  I may have told y'all , but I don't think I did.  Anyway, COPD is, of course, directly related to cigarette smoking.  The damage that has already occured is irreversable...I'm just doing my best to not let it become worse.  My Pulmonologist told me I have a "mild" case, that to NEVER pick up another cigarette EVER, and that he NEVER wanted to see me again!  He also told me, of course, to avoid being around smoke.  Well, he certainly did not need to say anymore.  I have done my research, including reading from the links below.  This is a very scary disease.   I have ALOT more YEARS that I want to LIVE.  I have joined Curves Fittness to try to become more healthly...lose weight...which will help my breathing as well as relieve some stress on my not-very-pretty spine. 

More to come, another day.

Good Luck in your quest to quit smoking!!


Monday, November 21, 2011


I would have never thought there would be an outstanding result in microdermabrasion and quitting smoking!  Saturday morning I went for my 2ed treatment.  When Sharon finished "power-vacuuming" my face, she was AMAZED and had me look at the filter of the instrument she had been using on my face.  It was BLACK!!  It was NICOTINE in the dead cells of my face!!  YUK!  Sharon has been an Esthetician for 7 years, but she told me she had never done the procedure on someone who had smoked for years, like I had, and then quit the nasty habit.  She was so impressed that she will be sharing this revelation to others.   (This upholds a very interesting theory that I will explain at a later date.)  No wonder that when I saw a friend 2 weeks ago, who I had not seen in a year, that she told me how good my skin looked and that I looked younger.  She didn't know that I had quit smoking until I told her and she said then that's why!!~ Wow!  It's a darn shame what smokers do to our bodies, but the really GREAT thing is, most of the damage can be reversed when we QUIT!!  Amen and talk to you later.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

4 Months 9 Days!!

As I was thinking of what to write about tonight, I counted up the days since my last cigarette, and it just sounded like a pregnancy, ya' go......this is what is on my mind tonight:

If you are pregnant and are smoking, so is your baby.  You dont have to live with that guilt....make the commitment to your baby to quit smoking.

The above picture is what a 4 month old fetus looks like.

Below is an excellant website for many, many medical matters with emphasis for this particular subject: smoking during pregnancy.

Thanks for your time,


Sunday, October 30, 2011




This is an anti-smoking blog.

Some of the graphics are not pretty.

But they are real.

Please quit smoking or pick a day to quit, TODAY!!

It is a very important LIFE decision!


contact me for support

Saturday, October 8, 2011


I'm screaming, kids (anyone OVER 10).  Do you hear me?  click on the link.

Celebrating 3 months, 4 days!!!

Monday, September 26, 2011

HEAVY Subject

Hey Everyone,

While searching for "heavy (subject) graphics" I certainly was subjected to several different types of "heavy" graphics, such as:

(This is what I was really wanting)

But, these are some I found or rather that found me:

Now, this is a HEAVY cat!

HEAVY metal.  Goes along with Halloween, huh?

Boy, do we need some of this HEAVY rain!

works for me every time!

OK, here's the message I really wanted to share:


I'm living (for now) proof!!!

These last two pics will be included in new cigarette packaging, I believe. 

Below are a few links, if anyone is interested in doing some serious reading.

As always-----


If you are just "thinking" about quitting, think a little more seriously.

Until next time,
Kay The Quitter-----Yay For Me!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Winnie the Pooh

I just read this on one of my Facebook friends' post: a true friend will stick with you until you're unstuck.    Author-Winnie the Pooh. 

I just had to share that with everyone before I say "Goodnight".


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Just Checkin' In

This isn't really the set of eyes I was lookin' for, but I guess these will do for the time bein'.  Hey, guys and dolls, it's been 2 months and 1 week!  Another milestone, of sorts.  YEA for me!!

For now, I've been prayin' for the safety of everyone involved in these new fires around Wichita Falls, Bowie, Bellevue, and PK.  Too close to my family for sure.

Catch y'all later.........

Friday, August 26, 2011

Update Diddy

Did ya think I was done with this blog?  Did some of you even give up on me?  Shame on you, if so.  I'm ridin' on down this trail of The Non-Smokers and doin' great.  OK, for the "News"......appointment today with my Pulmonologist for official results of the "more extensive" breathing test.  Consensus is, "mild emphysema", which I heard with happy ears.  The doc did not seem to want to see me ever again because, as he was walking out the door, he said, "now, just don't ever pick up another cigarette".  That's pretty much it.  I do believe he has put the Fear of God in me....I do not want to die because of suffocation due to cigarettes!!!!!  AMEN and Goodnight!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Food For Thought?

And I thought food was for eating, silly me.  I especially thought/think food was/is for eating since I have quit smoking!  Yep, I have gained, give or take, 10 TEN pounds!!!  Oh-ma-gosh.  What is really unfortunate, is that I was already 30 pounds over-limit, so now I'm 40 over.  Well, as I have said before(or did I just think it?), I will tackle that battle a little later on, but hopefully before ANOTHER 10 pounds is added to this growing-shorter-by-the-year body frame of mine.

Ok, now to the subject of this blog......Food.  As I was looking this morning for some subject ideas for my writing pleasure and I decided to write about "ways to NOT gain weight when quitting smoking", I came upon this food word, jicama.......I thought, what in the world is a jicama!  I've never heard of it before, so I did some research.  It is a South American root vegetable, similar the the turnip.  Ah-Ha, and THAT is why I've never heard of this before.  My remembrance of "turnip" goes with "turnip greens", which my parents loved and I wouldn't get near, much less eat, due to the horrific odor when it was cooking.  Ok, back to jicama....I think I will actually try this legume in a salad or something very soon.  Anyway, when wanting a cigarette, just eat some jicama, or carrots, or celery. You probably get the idea. 

Read All About on the link below, which opens a whole 'nuther and the Aggies!!!!!!!!!!!  I LOVE college football:Aggies, Red Raiders, Horned Frogs, and beginning this year, the Arizona Wildcats, because the son of an Olney classmate of mine is playing.

Better go do something else getting dressed for the day! 

Y'all have a gud 'un!

Until later,

P.S.  Oh yeah, this evening at 6pm will be 6 weeks since my last cigarette!!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Hangin' In There!

Now, this is what I call a heck of a ride!  Sure wish I knew the outcome...did it end in a successful 90 point ride, or a train wreck worse than it looks?!  Regardless, if  you are trying your very best to quit smoking, by all means, HANG IN gets better!!! 

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


YEA!!'s been one month as of yesterday at 6pm since I had my last cigarette.  Yea for me!!!  Here is a link to a website to take you to many helpful quit smoking pages.

Good Luck!!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Commitment Is Critical

Commitment to me means: promise, dedication, devotion and also, attention to detail, willing to finish a job, project, or endeavor.  The decision to quit smoking is definitely a commitment.  When I made the decision to quit, my husband suggested, "pick a date".  So, I chose a certain date and time, which was July 4, 2011, at 6pm.  I gave myself about 2 weeks to "get ready", psychologically.  I prepared for my quit date.  I wrote down on an index card my "Reasons to quit smoking", which I carry in my billfold.  I also wrote down different reasons to quit and have that list sitting on the console in my truck.  I bought several packages of sugar-free gum.  I just remembered that I bought some hard candy~!  I wonder where I put it!  Anyway, my point is, get ready in mind, body, and spirit for your date of commitment to quit smoking.  I think my preparedness greatly prevented me from having a panic attack (ha) as my "date of commitment" drew nearer and nearer.  It is Critical to be Committed!!  You CAN succeed!!  Good Luck!!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Random Ramblings

Just thinking of how thankful I am for my "new lease on life"!  My lungs are very grateful for the "cool drink of water", as in the graphic above! Thankful that I CAN live without a cigarette!  I won't lie to you,  there are times when I crave a cigarette, or I suppose I crave the nicotine.  Those are the times I grab a piece of chewing gum and wanting that taste of nicotine quickly passes without a hitch.  Surprisingly, to be around someone who is smoking does not bother me.  I don't feel an overpowering urge to grab their cigarette out of their mouth and put it in mine.  Instead, I want to grab it and stomp it on the ground!  OK, so it's been 3 weeks and 3 days and 17 hours, or something like that, since my last inhale.  I don't actually count the hours...I just figured it up for this posting.   Again, it's been easier that I ever imagined.  Why could I not do it sooner?  I just had to be ready...that was the key right there.

Monday, July 18, 2011


Coffee and cigarettes...just seem to go together.  I still enjoy my 2 cups of coffee every morning, but just isn't the same.  Oh well, I'm learning to acquire a taste for coffee...just coffee....all over again, and it's OK!!

Today, well, at 6pm,  will be 2 full weeks without a cigarette and it seems like alot longer, but I'm doing great and breathing very easily~   

The house sure is smelling better! 

Y'all have a great day~

Friday, July 15, 2011


I guess an explanation of "skyhootin'" is in order for some who don't have a clue what a "skyhootin" is!  My husband, Brad, built Syhootin Saloon in our backyard, so Brad is the Main Man: THE Skyhootin', and I'm next in command, thus Skyhootin1.   That website is  and is in bad need of attention...the webiste AND the saloon.  It's just too hot to go out there and work right now.  We will get out there, maybe in November, when it cools down some! 

So, I have lots to do to keep me busy and not have time to "light up"....write in this blog, play one of my guitars, play on my computer....oh...that's my downfall.........I stay on here way too much, but I love it so!!

Anyway,  I can't really explain why this time has been so much easier to quit smoking.  I just have not had any problems, for which I am very grateful.  Skyhootin' says, "one just has to be ready".  I was ready.  I was so tired of smelling like smoke and my clothes and my truck and the house ALL smelling like smoke.  In the past, I tried t o quit for my kids, for my precious granddaughters,  for Brad, to no avail.  This time I quit for ME.  I got real scared.  I was becoming depressed because I didn't feel well and honestly, I had started thinking about all the things I was going to miss,,,,REALLY depressed!!  SO, a doctor told me I had early signs of COPD and scared me enough to know I had to quit. 

That's all for today.  I better get some dinner started.  I won't be on here tomorrow at all.  See ya' in a couple of days.

DAY 11

I'm surprised that I have not been coughing......getting rid of all that gunk that has accumulated in my lungs for the past 46 years.  Hmm......wonder what it is doing...just laying there waiting  to start flaking off, or what?  Anyone know?